Make, Think, Imagine: Engineering the Future of Civilization by John Browne

John Hennessy Praises MAKE, THINK, IMAGINE: Engineering the Future of Civilization by John Browne

Lord Browne has written an ode to the ways engineering has improved human civilization, from how we communicate, build, use energy, move, and explore the universe. Make, Think, Imagine is a joy to read with interesting historical insights and a vision of a better future.

John Hennessy is the Chairman of Alphabet (Google) and former president of Stanford University.

MAKE, THINK, IMAGINE: Engineering the Future of Civilization by John Browne will be published on August 28, 2019 in the US and Canada by Pegasus Books, and was published in the UK by Bloomsbury on May 30th.  The agency represents the author in collaboration with Curtis Brown.